Srinagar, Jan 10: In a heartbreaking incident, two young brothers from the Sopore, Baramulla district of North Kashmir lost their lives when their truck registration number JK04E-9110 plunged into a deep gorge at Battery Chashma, a notorious accident-prone stretch along the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway.
The tragic accident occurred when the truck, traveling along the highway, reportedly lost control near Battery Chashma, a site infamous for its sharp curves and steep slopes. The vehicle veered off the road, plunging into a deep gorge, leading to the instant loss of life for both occupants.
Local authorities and rescue teams were quick to reach the site, but the victims had already succumbed to their injuries. The deceased have been identified as Yasir Ahmad and Danish Ahmad, sons of Imtiyaz Ahmad Khan, residents of Chijahama, Rafiabad Sopore, District Baramulla.
Battery Chashma has long been considered a hazardous section of the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway, with numerous fatal accidents reported over the years. Poor road conditions, coupled with challenging terrain, often put drivers at risk despite repeated calls for enhanced safety measures.
This tragic incident has once again highlighted the urgent need for authorities to implement stricter safety protocols and improve road infrastructure in this region to prevent further loss of life.
The incident has sent shockwaves through the Baramulla district, with locals expressing grief and solidarity with the bereaved family.(QNS)