Abdul Gani Vakil

Srinagar, May 20: Senior Vice President People’s Conference (PC) and former minister Abdul Gani Vakil Thursday paid rich tributes to Founder of People’s Conference Abdul Gani Lone  and Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad Farooq on their martyrdom anniversaries.

In a statement issued here, he said both leaders have worked for peace in Jammu and Kashmir and have sacrificed their lives to stop the bloodshed in J&K especially in valley.

“Regarding Kashmir issue, their views, and opinions were clear that it should be resolved through dialogue only and not by indulging in violence. The people will never forget their sacrifices and would always remember them as visionary leaders,” he said.

“Mirwaiz Sahib’s contribution in the field of Islamic learning, theology, and contemporary education is unparalleled,” the senior leader said.

Vakil said Lone Sahib was a brave, straightforward and peace-loving leader and he will be always known for his responsible distinguished leadership skills. He was having expertise on every issue and was voice of voiceless,”

People’s Conference will remember his contribution in bringing peace and prosperity in J&K and will leave no stone unturned in  implementing Lone Sahib’s mission of peace on the ground, the party leadership is working to spread his message of peace to future generations of Jammu & Kashmir and will continue to work for it untill peace and prosperity will return back to valley. Vakil added.

The senior leader also appealed to people of the Jammu and Kashmir to offer special prayers for the Lone Sahib for the peace of his soul and stated that his contribution will always be remembered.