Current Weather: Generally cloudy at most places.
28th-29th: Generally Cloudy. Light Snow/Rain at scattered places of Jmu&Kmr.
30𝙩𝙝: Widespread Moderate Snow/Rain( in Jmu) with Heavy Snowfall in Pirpanjal, South Kashmir, Doda-Kistawar etc.(>75% Chance)
31st: Light to Moderate Snow/Rain at Scattered places.
Warning 🟡 Remain Updated:
- May cause Snow Avalanche in Avalanche prone areas during above period.
- May affect Surface & Air transportation on 30th..
- May affect power supply.
- People are advised NOT to venture out in Avalanche prone areas, unless emergency.
- Intending passengers are advised to travel after confirmation of road status from concerned Traffic Police.
Issued In Public Interest: MeT Centre Srinagar