1. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, avoid sugary drinks and alcohol. Electrolyte drinks can be helpful for heavy sweaters.

2. Beat the Heat: Stay indoors during peak heat (10am-4pm), wear loose, light-colored clothing, use hat and sunglasses.Close curtains facing sun, use fans/AC, take cool showers/baths.

3. Adjust Activities: Exercise outdoors in cooler mornings/evenings, take breaks in shade, avoid strenuous activity during peak heat. Reduce use of heat-generating appliances.

4. Look Out for Others: Check on elderly/vulnerable neighbors, never leave children/pets in parked cars.

5. Be aware of heatstroke symptoms:

* Excessive sweating or no sweating at all

* High body temperature

* Headache, nausea, dizziness

* Confusion or irritability

* Rapid, weak pulse

If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.