‘Omar Abdullah’s statement on 35-A removal dangerous, smacks of party’s hidden motives’

Srinagar, Jul 29: Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) on Monday reacted sharply to the statement issued by the NC General Secretary Ali Mohd Sagar, terming his claims as fabricated, farce and an outright lie.

In a statement issued, PDP General Secretary Ghulam Nabi Lone Hanjura termed it unfortunate that NC leadership in order to score browny points within the party is busy spreading lies and hoodwinking people. 

According to Hanjura, Mr Sagar should recall the speech of NC Founder Sheikh Abdullah on the floor of the state legislative assembly on March 2, 1981 in which he declared Jammu and Kashmir’s special status as a major road block in state’s prosperity and development and stated that Article 370 was not a Quranic verse that cannot be amended. 

“The minutes of this session are very much available in the records of state legislature and cannot be accessed any time,” said Hanjura.

He added that history bears testimony to the fact that it was national conference that has bulldozed the institutions of democracy and justice in the state and the emergence of the PDP on state’s political landscape was only to thwart NC’s nefarious deigns.

He said that Sagar and his ilk must rack their brains to recall that the PDP government engaged the top lawyers of the country to defend the state’s special status in country’s top court and has been declaring it incontestable and irrevocable at all podiums and platforms.

Hanjura said unlike what Omar Abdullah did to Shopian rape and murder case in the year 2009, Mehbooba Mufti put her government on stake for the justice of Rasana rape victim.

He said that one must ask NC why in spite of being the Prime Minister did the NC founder accept the post of the Chief Minster in 1975 and why on 5 July 1975, plebiscite front for which people rendered immense sacrifices was formally dissolved by him. 

“During the elections of 1977, in order to hoodwink the people of the state particularly those of Kashmir Valley NC sought to raise false issues to obtain support for his party. 

The party talked of Kashmir and told audiences that they are a separate nation. What it didn’t tell the people of Jammu and Kashmir is the fact that it itself has rendered article 370 in effective by accepting it as a temporary and transitional provisions of Indian constitution in 1947 and by striking a deal with the union of India in 1975,” said Hanjura.

He added that when NC came to power in 1996 with a brute majority and its autonomy resolution was thrown into the dustbin by central Government, why Farooq Abdullah didn’t leave his chair? “In fact, he kept lobbying for the post of Vice President of India and his that demand was rejected, he pleaded for a junior ministerial berth for his son. To do that, he bartered all the resources of the state and sold precious power projects to centre,” Hanjura said.

He added that the government led by Omar then unleashed terror to the extent that a 12 class student namely Burhan Wani left home and became face of militancy.

According to Hanjura, the cricket scam, Haji Yousuf’s murder ,killing of 120 teenagers and denial of justice to them is still fresh in peoples memory. He added that at present NC is ready to help in scarping 35-A on the condition that it will be made part of next government in JK.

“The recent statement of Omar Abdullah is the clear indication that NC will not object to scraping of 35-A. However, PDP will never allow this to happen and can go to any extent in safeguarding JK’s unique position and core interests,” said Hanjura.