
Militant outfit Hizbul Mujhadeen Saturday paid rich tributes to militants killed in Tral and Tikan in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district saying that youth sacrificing their lives are pride and prestige of nation.

As per a statement to CNS, the outfit Chief Syed Salahuddin said that Liyakat Ahmed Wani and Wajid-ul-Islam who were killed in Tikan village were loyal to their religion and ongoing freedom movement. “Both participated in many confrontations and caused losses to enemy,” he said.

Syed Salahuddin said that Liyakat Wani was the son of Hizb Commander Colonel Jameel  who sacrificed his life for freedom struggle in 1997.

Deputy Chief Saifullah Khalid and Field Commander Muhammad Bin Qasim also paid rich tributes to slain militants and said that these sacrifices will not go waste.