Punjab: A man from Jalandhar, Punjab, has claimed that he was kidnapped and raped by a group of women after being drugged. An employee at a leather factory, the man, who is in his early twenties, revealed that four women grabbed him and thrust him inside a vehicle when he was walking in the city on Monday (December 5).

As per a report by The Mirror, the victim further alleged that he was subjected to several hours of sexual assault before being dumped in a forest area late at night. He shared the details of the incident with the local media and decided not to report it to the police at his wife’s insistence. According to him, his wife was happy to have him back alive and did not want him to file a complaint with the police.

The worker recalled the alleged incident and expressed that he was stopped by four women, who came in a white car when he was walking along Jalandhar’s Kapurthala road. He then revealed that they handed him a piece of paper, which had an address written on it, and sought his help for directions.

While he was looking at the piece of paper, one of them sprayed something into his eyes, which led to him losing his vision before fainting. The victim also revealed that the women only communicated with each other in English but spoke to him in Punjabi.

The labourer added that he woke up in the car with a blindfold on and his hands tied behind his back. He was also drugged before being raped for several hours and was eventually dumped at a site at around 3 am, with the blindfold on and his hands still tied. He then returned home. The Intelligence Department of Punjab police has initiated a probe following the incident and has complained on behalf of the victim.