Former IGP Shafqat Ali Watali joins NC at residence of Dr Farooq Abdullah Gupkar Road Srinagar in presence of Dr Farooq Abdullah, Omer Abdullah, Nasir Aslam Wani, Ali Mohammed Sagar, Mohammed Akbar Lone & 140/150 workers from Langate.

Farooq Abdullah said I think we’re facing tragedies. It’s unfortunate that we’ve a situation where war is looming on our heads. We want peace and understanding between people. Unfortunately in this election ruling party is creating a rift between various religions and it’s a tragedy for this country

Muslims and minorities feel threatened. It’s unfortunate and I think PM should make it very clear that this nation doesn’t belong to one party or one sect of people. He should make it very clear that it belongs to all of us&we’ve to live in peace and harmony with each other, Farooq Abdullah.