Hizb chief Syed-Salah-ud-din

United Jehad Council (UJC) has said that ISIS is existing nowhere in Jammu and Kashmir and the attempt to violate sanctity of pulpit at Jamia Masjid Srinagar was the handiwork of Indian agencies.

In an emailed statement issued to KNS, the UJC Spokesman Syed Sadaqat Hussain said that ISIS is nowhere existing in Jammu and Kashmir and people are already aware of the fact that Indian agencies are using the name of ISIS to defame and divide the pro-freedom struggle in the state.

Saying that the Muslim Ummah have seen the actions of ISIS in Syira, Libia and Afghanistan where Muslims are butchered at the instance of western powers, the UJC Spokesman said that historical Jamia Masjid Srinagar is not only the centre of Islamic preaching but also the centre of resistance struggle from 1931 onwards. The UJC Spokesman appealed people to keep a vigil over such people and play their role in exposing them, adding that, “Violation of the sanctity of Jamia Masjid Srinagar at the hands of these agents is unacceptable and highly condemnable and such acts can’t weaken the resistance struggle in Kashmir.”