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Gurgaon: The Gurgaon Police has arrested four Kashmiri youths for allegedly raising funds on a fake Delhi University (DU) letterhead with forged signature of DUSU president Ankiv Baisoya, an official said Saturday.

According to police, the accused claimed that the funds were meant for the rehabilitation of people from the militancy affected regions of Jammu and Kashmir.

The accused were arrested on Thursday evening and presented before a local court in Gurgaon on Friday, which sent them to two days police custody, they said.

“Since the matter is very sensitive as the accused have used letterhead of DU signed by its president, we are establishing their network to find out (if they have) any links with militant organisations,” said investigation officer Mohan Singh.

“We have also contacted Baisoya in this regard and asked him to submit (his) reply with proofs including his signature and original letterhead of DU,” he added.

The four accused were identified as Mohamad Aamir Ahmed, the head of the team hailing from Nar Singh Peera village, Abdul Hamid Bhat from Bofwara, and Shahrukh Khan and Jahor Ahmed from Kareva village in Kulgam district.

During interrogation, Aamir, who is a second year student of Bachelor of Arts, revealed that they came to Delhi 15 days ago and were residing in Shastri Park area of the national capital.

“He saw a poster of DU president Ankiv Baisoya and made a plan to prepare a fake letterhead of DU with his (Baisoya) forged signature to impress the residents of Delhi/NCR and raise funds,” the official said.

They began collecting the money in Gurgaon but were caught soon after as a resident of Sector 4 grew suspicious of the gang, he said.

According to police, the man observed that funds were being sought for the people of Jammu and Kashmir with the endorsement of Baisoya, who is affiliated to the right-wing student organisation Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP).

The home owner immediately informed the police who reached the spot and arrested the four.

When contacted, Baisoya told PTI: “Gurgaon police has enquired about this incident and I have denied my involvement. The letterhead is fake and the signature is also forged.”

“I have submitted my signature and other documents soughed by police before ACP of concern area,” he added.

The Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) president further said that the DU administration was yet to issue him the official letterhead.