complaint (Representational Image)

Srinagar, Feb 21: A complaint has been lodged against the Hilltop Educational Institute and R.P School Nagbal in Ganderbal for allegedly charging admission fee, which has been banned by the government.

According to the news agency, in the complaint lodged by the residents of school adjoining areas, it has alleged that the schools have been refusing admission and charging a banned admission fee, which goes against the orders of the competent authorities.

Following the complaint, Chief Education Officer (CEO) Ganderbal has taken swift action and directed the Deputy Chief Education Officer Ganderbal and Principal, GHSS Tullamulla to inspect both the schools and conduct an in-depth inquiry into the matter.

“You are directed to conduct the inspection of both the private schools and conduct an indepth inquiry into the matter and submit the detailed report along with the clear cut recommendations within two days,” it reads.(KNO)