Qayoom Khan

Police on Thursday claimed to have killed four militants in a gunfight at Kharpora area of Arwani in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district.

A police official told GNS that a joint team of army and SOG launched a joint cordon-and-search operation in Kharpora area on a specific information about the presence of some militants there.

“The gunfight raged as soon as the government forces fired some warning shots towards the suspected house,” he said.

Four militants were killed in the gunfight so far, he said, adding that the operation was still going on.

The identity and the group affiliation of the slain militants are being ascertained, he said.

The CASO and subsequently killing of the militants triggered clashes near the encounter site and its adjacent areas. The joint team of police and paramilitary troops used force to quell the protests.

However, when reports last came in, the operation amid clashes was going on.