Paying glorious tribute to slain militants killed in Handwara gunfight, Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman, Syed Ali Geelani blamed Indian authorities and said that their insensitivity, unconcern, denial and unrealistic approach is the sole reason for this unabated bloodshed in disputed land of Jammu and Kashmir.

In a statement issued to KNS, he condemned the excessive use of military force against the innocent protestors and killing of a Waseem Ahmad Mir and expressed his deep sorrow on this gruesome incident, paid rich tributes to the martyr and expressed sympathy with the bereaved family.

These youths spilled their hot blood for the great and sacred cause of Kashmir and the entire nation is indebted to these martyrs for their ultimate sacrifice. It is the collective responsibility of the oppressed nation to take the ongoing movement to its ultimate destination.

Blaming stubborn attitude of Indian leadership for continuous bloodshed, Hurriyat chairman said that their denial and unconcern is the sole reason for this unabated bloodshed in Jammu and Kashmir and reiterating his stand that loss of human lives is a serious concern for every noble soul and there is no other option other than to honor and safeguard every precious live.

Pro-freedom leader has once again clarified its stand that unless the age old wounds of armed occupation are not healed and practical and concrete measures are not taken up by the occupiers and their perpetrators, human blood will continue to spill over and permanent political, economic and regional stability will remain a distant dream.

He said the greatest service, to the humanity in general and their inhabitant in particular, is that forced and unjust enslavements should end and every individual should be allowed the right to live his own life.

Hurriyat (G) chairman further said that sooner India adopts a realistic and justified approach, South Asia particularly Indian sub-continent will have a sigh of relief and peace and tranquility will prevail everywhere and it will also help to reshape the mutilated image of the oppressor, as no movement for the people’s right has ever failed and every struggle has enabled its people to emerge from the yolk of colonial and alien occupation to live a dignified an honored life.