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Wounds of Dr. Manan’s martyrdom were still oozing, the deep and sorrowful separation of yet another budding intellectual Dr. Sabzar was inflicted this morning. Such tragic incidents, although part of freedom struggle, but certainly are enough to sadden the whole nation. This was stated by All Parties Hurriyat Conference chairman, Syed Ali Geelani.

While telephonically addressing the people assembled to offer Nimaz-e-Jinaza of the slain commander along with his close associate Asif Ahmad.

Repeating the history of the conflict, which has engulfed more than three generations of Kashmiries and is still threatening the future of fourth one, he said that India forcefully and deceitfully occupied this territory in 1947 and since then we are fighting it back with whatever resources we have.

He said that on every occasion throughout the long torturous spell of political, economic and social uncertainty, we have conveyed loud and clear to the oppressor, that you may be able to cage us, physically chain us, mentally torture us, emotionally break us or even kill us in cold blood, but you can never succeed to force us to submission.

He said that our generation next is fully conscious of the hazards and ill effects of slavery and they are on the forefront of the struggle to liberate their land.

He further said that commitment and un-parallel sacrifices of our youth put a huge obligation and responsibility on, not only leaders but common people as well, not to even think of any compromise or betrayal.

He said that election drama and the multi faced political stooges pose as our saviors to fetch them votes in the name of roads, electricity and water, but in reality they are the people who strengthen the unholy bond of slavery so nation as a whole should desist from any support to them.

He appealed the youth to strictly follow the glorious path of Quran and Sunnah, have unity and discipline, not fall prey to sectarian conflicts and honestly and sincerely contribute to the ongoing movement in whatever way they can.