Tehreek-e-Hurriyat Chairman Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai on Tuesday expressed anguish over the “UnIslamic act” of desecration of Historical central Jamia Masjid Srinagar by some disgruntled elements.

Sehrai in a statement said the pulpit of Masjid is meant for spreading the sacred message of the Qur’an and Sunnah and create unity of heart and soul among the Muslim community. It is unfortunate that some miscreants want to create a wedge in society.

Sehrai said that such elements are not serving any cause of the people of Kashmir or that of Islam but causing hurdles in it. Such nefarious activities are a cause of great concern for the entire Muslims. He said places of worship and “pulpits are signs of Allah and revered seats of our religion and we as Muslims cannot allow anyone to dishonour these places.”

He said waving flags and raising slogans from the pulpit, this action is condemnable and can’t be lauded from the pulpits of historic Jamia Masjid. He added that the motive of “these agencies is to weaken the ongoing people’s movement of the right to self-determination and these elements are being used to divert this just movement by changing its basic nature and character under the pretence of perusing some global agenda.