Appeals Honorable Governor to follow the same

Jammu and Kashmir Students Association has welcomed the ban on PUBG by the Government of Gujarat. 

Chairman Abrar Ahmad bhat while welcoming the ban said “ This set is highly appreciable and state Government must follow the same”. This game has effected the young generation mentally added chairman Abrar Ahmad bhat 

Deputy Chairman Raqif Makhdoomi while expressing satisfaction on the PUBG ban said “ it’s really heart welcoming step by the Government of Gujarat but unfortunately JK Government is yet to take any action regarding the pubg. 

Recently we have appealed to the Honorable Governor of J&k Satya pal Malik to ban the pubg in the state in the interest of students . Not only we but also Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) ,  Hope Youth Foundation ( HYF)  and even Parents had made an emotional appeal to the Honorable Governor to ban it. 

But unfortunately we haven’t received any response from the authorities. It has become more addictive than drugs . So keeping in view the health hazards of this game we request Honorable Governor to ban PUBG Added Raqif Makhdoomi.