Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL) of Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and Muhammad Yasin Malik freed from their prolonged house confinement and police custody held a meeting at the Hyderpora residence of resistance leader Syed Ali Geelani where they had a thorough discussion over the prevailing situation in Kashmir.

The spokesman said that strongly condemning the wide-scale bloodshed, arrest spree of youth, thrashing of residents during CASO and damaging property at large scale across the length and breadth of Kashmir by the government forces present in the Valley, the JRL said that the government forces have unleashed a “naked aggression” against the people of Kashmir.

The JRL said that the suppression has reached a stage where it has become unbearable for the population which cannot silently tolerate it further. In order to defeat these designs of New-Delhi, the JRL has decided to have wide-ranging consultations with all factions of the society including political organizations, religious organizations, lawyers, traders, transporters, employees, academicians, civil society and others to frame a comprehensive joint strategy and present it before the people.

The JRL termed the blowing up of houses with explosive material, thrashing of relatives including women of even slain armed youth, beating of people during CASO’s and damaging property including the apple and other fruit orchards as crimes against humanity committed by the government forces. The JRL urged international community to take serious note of the events unfolding in the pain-stricken Kashmir. While strongly denouncing these inhuman acts, the JRL said people of Kashmir, especially people living in south Kashmir have completely been left at the mercy of the forces.

The JRL said that army Chief Bipin Rawat’s recent statement has given further encouragement to the men in uniform to increase brutality and killing against Kashmiris besides indulging in widespread vandalism to prevent/chock voice of protest against these “brutalities.”