(KTMF) President Mr Haji Muhammad Yasin Khan.

Srinagar, Dec 28 : Expressing serious concern over the power crises in the Valley, the Kashmir Economic Alliance (KEA)  Chariman Mr Haji Muhammad Yasin Khan has said that “through these deleberetae conspiracies the government is systemically ensuring that business community in Kashmir is unable to revive business activities and life in the Valley has been further deteriorated trough “poorest every power supply”.

“As if the government is resorting to some revengeful tactics that Kashmir is witnessing worst ever power supplies this winter. The electricity remains off for most part of the day while low voltage plays hide and seek other times,” Mr Khan who also heads the Kashmir Traders and Manufacturers Federation (KTMF) said.

He said at a time when the business fraternity, particularly shopkeepers are struggling to restore activities, the poor power supply is actually sabotaging such efforts.

The KEA chairman Khan said in the given conditions it was difficult to restore tourism activities. “Unless power supply is improved to level of decency, the tourism activities like hotels,restaurants and shops ( boulevard area)can’t operate,” he said.

Accusing the PDD of wasting time in issuing curtailment programs, he said no such roaster was being followed and that it was the responsibility of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission to keep track of this mischief by the official machinery.

“When the curtailment schedule is not to be adhered to, it’s better for the PDD to issue black posters instead,” Mr Khan said

“We only come across silly arugment that power demand is more than the supply, why cant they make supply more than the demand?” he asked.

Threatening to taking to streets, he asked the government to improve power supplies as per requirement. “Why can’t there be uninterrupted power supply, when our water resources are being exploited?” he asked