At least eleven civilians were injured after the forces fired live ammunition and pellets at protesters in Sugan village of south Kashmir’s Shopian district, even as multiple rounds of funeral prayers were held for slain Al Badr commander Zeenat ul Islam and his associate.

Reports said that the forces had blocked all roads leading to Sugan village to limit the number of mourners gathering for funeral of Islam who was killed by the forces yesterday evening in Yaripora area of Kulgam.

Witnesses said that clashes erupted soon after the forces resorted to aerial firing to chase away the people assembling in the village.

They said that forces fired live ammunition and pellets at the protesters, resulting in injuries to at least ten civilians.

Health officials said that four injured were shifted to sub district hospital Zainapora. “One had pellet injury in his eye while three others were hit by pellets on their bodies,” said an official.

An official at district hospital Shopian said that two injured were brought to the facility for treatment. “One had a bullet injury in his thigh,” he said.

A woman, identified as Shokhi, injured after being allegedly hit by an army vehicle was also shifted to district hospital Shopian.

Five injured were brought to district hospital Pulwama for treatment, said an official. “Two had firearm injuries in legs while a bullet had grazed the head of third one,” he said, adding the trio were shifted to Srinagar for specialized treatment.

He said two others brought to the hospital had pellet injuries.

Meanwhile, thousands of people took part in the last rites of Islam and his associate Shakeel Ahmad.

Five rounds of funeral prayers were held for Islam while four rounds were held for Ahmad in which thousands of people participated. (QNS)