Urges People to Maintain Communal Harmony, not to Fell Prey to Communal Elements 

Srinagar, June 30: All Party Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) held a press conference at Press Club Srinagar on the issue of communalising interfaith marriage by some communal elements.

On this occasion while talking to media persons resident of APSCC Jagmohan Raina said that the Sikh community in Jammu & Kashmir has been living in harmony with the majority Muslim community. 

He added that over the years many attempts were made to create a wedge between the two communities by the vested interests.  However, the nefarious designs got defeated due to the strong bond that exists between the two communities.

Without naming issue of interfaith marriages he mentioned that unfortunate incidents came to the fore in the recent past and appealed that it is important that both Muslims and Sikhs maintain the communal harmony and brotherhood. 

He requested people to remain vigilant and ensure that the congenial atmosphere does not get vitiated as both the communities have supported each other through thick and thin and it is the responsibility of members of both communities to continue with the synergy.

Raina on behalf the Sikh community demanded that the Inter Caste Marriage Act is implemented in Jammu & Kashmir as once this Act is put in practice at this place the inter-caste marriages would come to an end automatically. 

“This would safeguard the interests of the people belonging to different faiths and religions. The elements who want to have mileage out of such marriages would also face an inevitable defeat” he claimed.

Without mentioning the names of politicians like Omer Abdullah Jagmohan Raina mentioned that over the years members of elite political families of Jammu & Kashmir have been indulged in inter-caste marriage but surprisingly nobody pointed fingers towards them. 

“Whenever such an incident happens in a normal family the issue gets blown out of proportion. This needs to be analyzed and people should be vigilant so that the opportunistic politicians don’t exploit them” he stressed.

Other Sikh leaders present on this occasion said that at the same time it is also important that Anti-Conversion Law is implemented in Jammu & Kashmir. This would stop the forcible conversion of people belonging to any religion whatsoever. As a result of the same friction between the different communities would also come to an end once for all. There would be no tensions between the communities and all the people would live without fear.

They added that APSCC has over the past many decades thrived for betterment of minorities and the Committee would continue to play such a role in future as well. 

“We have been meeting top notch authorities both in the central government and erstwhile state government in this regard and continue to knock at the doors of the concerned stakeholders. Most of the demands of Sikh community remain as it is since they have not been fulfilled by the people in the government” they claimed. (CNS)