Once the dispute is resolved, on the basis of justice and in light of historic perspective, militancy will cease to exist.

Good thing about newly appointed Governor, is that he has started expressing his views without being much diplomatic. In his recent interview to Indian Express Mr. Malik talked about eliminating militancy, not the militants. However, how to eliminate militancy is a million dollar question and to achieve that goal there are no shortcuts as J&K conflict is not the creation of militancy or any pro-resistance movement but the militancy is there because of the lingering dispute of J&K.

Once the dispute is resolved, on the basis of justice and in light of historic perspective, militancy will cease to exist. Mr. Malik’s advice to Kashmiris, by drawing comparisons between the LTTE and the Kashmiri militant outfits, gives a clear cut picture that how and what the policy makers in New Delhi think about the possible logical end of Kashmir dispute.

Mr. Malik is right in claiming that LTTE was a cadre based organization having better equipments, weapons and resources as compared to Kashmiri militants. Mr. Malik’s revelation that if LTTE could not take over Sri Lankan Army, how is it possible that Kashmiri militants would bring freedom by defeating Indian army, carries a lot of weight. However, the thing Mr. Malik is ignoring is the fact that whatsoever is happening in J&K is not about the number game, or about who is more powerful, but about who is more truthful. Kashmiri militants had never claimed that they would defeat Indian Army through an open war but their whole purpose was to bring back focus on long pending J&K dispute, which they succeeded. It seems that Mr. Malik simply tried to convey to Kashmiris that they could be killed and butchered the same way as was done by Lankan army in Jafna.

One can conclude from what Mr. Malik revealed that New Delhi has nothing to offer to Kashmiris and simply wants them to surrender before its might. However, the question remains the same; that is it possible for New Delhi to thrust a military solution on people of J&K. No doubt militants cannot force Indian army to leave Kashmir but at the same time one should not forget that army, BSF, CRPF, JKP and other security agencies despite their huge efforts could not eliminate the militants.

Who doesn’t know that security agencies and the state institutions tried all possible appeasements and every dirty trick to make Kashmiris calm but everything has failed only for the reason that truth lies on the side of Kashmiris. Had J&K been Jafna, the militancy and the public resentment would never have emerged stronger than before after every lull. Isn’t it true that security agencies had once declared South Kashmir a militancy free zone but just after few days what South Kashmir proved to be was heard if not in New Delhi but at least at United Nation when Nawaz Sharief referred to Burhan Wani’s death.

It is not the question of alienation but just honoring the commitments made with people of J&K from time to time at various international forums. While Mr. Malik had tried to compare the insurgency in Sri Lanka with that in Kashmir, he preferred to just make Kashmiris understand that they are weaker than LTTE but did not narrate the other side of story. Should it not be matter of introspection for New Delhi that despite seeing huge atrocities from 1989 till date Kashmiris are still confident about keeping their struggle for right to self determination alive.

All that what they have learned during all these year is to use their guts and wisdom and ensure that their society, culture, resistance and unity survive. Anyway Mr. S. P. Malik is a mature and experienced politician. He has got the opportunity to see Kashmir from a closer range and if he truly tries to see the things for what they are it would be a contribution not towards people of J&K only but for the rest of the India as well.

Because all what New Delhi has to understand is that there is no shortcut resolution to J&K dispute and those expecting Kashmiris to surrender are far away from the reality. If Mr. Malik is able to make New Delhi understand the harsh realities he can become a history maker otherwise he will just add his name to the list of his predecessors who had came Kashmir with confidence but left after losing their credibility and neutrality.