An army soldier was injured critically in sniper fire from across the border as the armies of India and Pakistan exchanged fire and shelling along the Line of Control (LoC) in Nowshera sector of Rajouri in Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday evening.

Addational Superintendent of Police (SP) Nowshera, Popsy Malik told GNS that Pakistan army in “violation of ceasefire” attacked the army’s 33 RR at Kalal area along the border in Nowshera sector.

In the incident, a Naik Subash Chandra suffered critical bullet wounds. He was airlifted to Army’s command hospital in Udhampur for treatment where his condition is said to be critical, he said.

“Sepoy was hit by the sniper fire from across the border,” the police officer said.

The troops responded the fire triggering off the cross-border shelling in the area, he said. When reports last came in, the intermittent exchange of firing was going on.