But the repression and oppression we are subjected to have surpassed them as well,

Srinagar, December 16, 2018: We have read in history about the heinous crimes of “Changez and Halako”, but the repression and oppression we are subjected to have surpassed them as well, said chairman All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Geelani, while condemning the Sarnu Pulwama massacre in which 10 Kashmiries were killed and more than 100 persons got injured by the pallets and bullets at the hands of Indian occupational forces.

He said that even the brutalities have a limit, beasts too get exhausted but Indian atrocities, their unjust behaviour and the iron fist seems to have no end. Every sect is crushed; every house stands testimony to the brute Indian face, every village and town bears the imprint and impression of the Indian beasts in uniform.

Hurriyat chairman said that India claims to have the brave and disciplined army of the world, but in reality they are so cowards and timed that they shower bullets and pallets to the un-armed people especially kids. They try test their muscles and arsenal on the peaceful protestors who are just demanding their basic and fundamental right, right to self-determination promised by their own leaders.

He questioned the so-called champions of the “Humanity and Democracy” that is this your humanity to use deadly weaponry against peaceful people? Everywhere there are protests, even violent but nowhere in the world nor in India itself they are showered bullets and pallets, but we being Muslims fighting for our rights here, every tool of state terrorism, bullets, pallets, arrests, killings, rapes and harassments all are legalized and justified in grab of national security.

Pro-freedom leader further said that seeing the innocent killings on daily basis every human eye gets moist and every heart is touched, but the local collaborators and the partners of this genocide claiming to be the champions of the “Humanity, Democracy & Kashmiryat” have turned deaf and dumb.

Reacting to the fresh reign of terror throughout the state especially in South Kashmir, Hurriyat Chairman said that occupation forces are entering the localities in the dark hours, ransack the houses, beat the inmates, terrorize and harass the families especially women and kids and if the population protests against these brutalities and inhuman actions the armed forces start firing and shelling, killing and injuring them.

Referring to the statement of probe by the Indian governor administration about Pulwama killings Pro-freedom leader said that we have had these political gimmicks of probes for the past so many decades and we can’t be fooled by these hollow slogans. We will fight hard to break the Indian forcible occupation come what may.

The Hurriyat chairman demanded a high level probe by the authentic bodies under the auspices of UN, into the heinous war crimes committed by the occupation forces and their mercenaries in Jammu and Kashmir.

He also urged the UN to help resolve the long pending Kashmir issue in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the people.