A scooty rider died while as his pillion injured in a road mishap at Hamadar area of Hayhama in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Thursday evening.

An official said that the scooty rider Nadeem Ahmad Khan (25) son of Nayeem Ahmad Khan of Manzhar and his pillion Waheed Ahmad Khan (26) son of Mohd Akbar Khan of Hamadar were injured after a load carrier vehicle (JK09A- 5091) hit the scooty (JK09A- 8613) at Hamadar, Hayhama.

Both the injured were taken to Sub-district hospital Kupwara where Nadeem succumbed to injuries.

The condition of the Waheed is said to be stable, he said.

In this regard, a case under relevant sections of law has been registered and further investigations taken up, the officer added. (GNS)